Career Aptitude Tests

A career aptitude test is also called a career assessment test. A true career aptitude test should not measure your existing knowledge. It should measure your ability to learn. A career aptitude test measures your interests and ability to learn new job skills. These tests are particularly important in jobs that involve research, manufacturing, and marketing. Some people just aren’t cut out for jobs that involve math. Many people would be bored to death standing on an assembly line 8 hours a day. Career aptitude tests point you in the right direction and give the employer an idea of whether you’re suited for a particular job.

Career aptitude tests should not be confused with the other types of tests often required by employers. A personality test is not a career aptitude test. Cognitive tests are not aptitude tests. These tests measure other factors assessed by the employer to determine your “fit” for the particular job.

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We do not offer free career aptitude tests. In preparing this website we searched online and could not find a truly FREE career aptitude test. Some simply displayed paid ads for universities and technical colleges. Many career aptitude tests were for specific companies. You certain don’t want to take a test for a manufacturing job if you’d prefer to work outdoors!

Most of the aptitude tests we offer on our website assess your ability to learn, which is the true definition of aptitude. Some of our tests are for subjects often testing by employers such as math and English. There’s no sense applying for a job that requires heavy math skills if you suck at fractions, decimals, or percentages!

Free Online Aptitude Tests – Math Aptitude Tests – Numerical Aptitude Tests – College Aptitude Tests – English Aptitude Tests

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